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  • Writer's pictureAmanda

The "Art" of Finding Your Style

So I'm sitting here with my morning coffee trying to decide on how to tackle my next piece and I started thinking about "my style". What is it and how do I make this piece reflect that? It's this dark looming question that, as artists, slaps us in the face every time we're creating something. How do I make this ME? I think the truth of the matter is it's not necessarily something that can be made consciously - at first. Even though I'm still learning and experimenting I have started to notice something that is tying all of my pieces together and this is the first time I've really noticed it myself. This is happening not only in the subject matter but also in the way I do my linework and render things. These things were NOT a conscious thing...honestly they just fell into my lap and I noticed that they were there!! And I think some of it can be seen if you look WAAAYYYY back at older pieces and compare them to your newest ones. Let's look shall we?

This is from 2008 so don't judge me - but as far as from then to now one of the first things I noticed is the combination of skulls and flowers. This is a recurring theme in ALL of my work! Even now. Also the use of both darker imagery and lighter imagery in the same composition - so in this case this gnarly looking dragon with the bright coloured flowers. Another thing I noticed was the "S" shape composition with some slightly symmetrical elements - so the dragon moving in an "S" formation and the skulls being the symmetrical part. And something I didn't notice until someone else pointed it out is the definitive line work I use.

This image, also from 2008, is entitled "Distorted Image". So again in this piece we see two opposing images with the supposed elegant and gentle ballerina and then the sadistic creepy clown face in the mirror. We also see the "S" shape pattern in this piece even though it is not as obvious. If you look at the position of the ballerina and draw that shape starting at her bent foot, following her knee to the edge of her tutu, through the opposite shoulder then her bangs you will find the S. We also have the symmetrical elements in her arm placement. Again the line work is apparent here.

Flash forward almost 10 years (holy crap) and here is my newest piece "The Flowers in the Shadows". We see that same combination of skulls and flowers, the dark and the light. Making another appearance is the S composition as well as a symmetrical element of the falling petals and central placement of the image. We have use of strong line work that show shape, depth, and form.

Ok I know that was a long one but there it is! I think this is an important exercise for ANY artists to do in order to tap into "your style" so that you can begin to make a conscious effort to use these elements you discover in your work. Hope you enjoyed seeing my older stuff! Feel free to comment on your own "style" journey - I'd love to read them!

Until next time...


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