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Are we really helping the planet??

I went to a waste-free artisan market today. Not only do I believe in supporting your local artisans but my interest was peaked by the...

Online Store Opening Soon!!!

Hey fellow peoples! So I've been working my BUTT off to try and get my art available to you's been a little tedious but it's...

Where Have I Been?

Yup....definitely a question I even asked myself. I just finished up my final year of Design and Visual Art at college which was a heavy...

The "C" Word

Change - it sends shivers up the spines of most people. Lately there has been a TON of it in my life and it's got me thinking...should I...


Alright I'm totally guilty of NOT resting...I guess you can say I'm somewhat of a workaholic when it comes to my art and I do believe...

The "Art" of Finding Your Style

So I'm sitting here with my morning coffee trying to decide on how to tackle my next piece and I started thinking about "my style". What...

Life Finds a Way...

First off I want to welcome you to my little world over here and I appreciate the interest! It's a special place and I hope you find a...

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