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  • Writer's pictureAmanda

Where Have I Been?

Yup....definitely a question I even asked myself. I just finished up my final year of Design and Visual Art at college which was a heavy one. I felt like I needed to take a break and rest. I did some soul searching as well and I learned something. It's so important to stay true to yourself and your passions even if they seem unusual or others might not get them. Truth is - if your heart is in something people will support you regardless of what it might be. For me - that's dinosaurs. I stopped creating them in my art for a while because I thought people wouldn't understand. But you can't smother a passion for too'll come back. So one day I decided to take out my paint and knives and make a dinosaur piece. Just because I wanted to...and the response has been nothing but positive

My first dinosaur painting with my knife

So know this folks - You're about to encounter my TRUE self in all its weird glory. No more hiding...this is me and I hope you stick around cause it's gonna be tons of fun!

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