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  • Writer's pictureAmanda

The "C" Word

Change - it sends shivers up the spines of most people. Lately there has been a TON of it in my life and it's got me thinking...should I run from it or towards it? It has such a negative connotation but at the end of it all it is probably one of the most important aspects of our lives. It forces us to look at things from a new perspective and gain more light into what we're doing with ourselves. It forces us to grow and learn. If it weren't for change then we probably would never try new things! I mean let's face it, most of the time we attempt something different because we're forced into that situation. Change is one of those things that can make you feel some pretty gnarly emotions if you let it have too much power over you. Think of how many times you've been in a situation where you've needed to have a change in your plans because of some outside force - like the restaurant you were going to go to was closed. So you freak out cause you have to go somewhere else but it ends up being AMAZING!

Now I'm not perfect - I freak out when things don't go as expected or I'm forced to change my way of doing something but I've gotten a lot better at learning how to deal with it and embracing it. Sometimes you're just put in a predicament and you have no other choice. But do you wanna know a secret? Sometimes, as in my case, it ended up being the best thing that could have happened to you. I feel like I am just waking up to what life is supposed to be like for me. Try to remember that everything that is happening is MEANT to happen. It's all for a reason - ESPECIALLY change! I challenge you that next time you're faced with a situation like that just take a step outside of yourself and instead of getting upset just look at it as a new and EXCITING opportunity for something different and not to be afraid of the "C" word.

Until next week <3


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